Automated Key Replacements

Flight1 no longer supports key files and products that cannot use accounts for reinstall are no longer supported. You can get replacement keys on this page, however we cannot support any issues you have using the key file or connecting to our server via the ecommerce application..

This service will only send keys to the exact e-mail address currently on file for your order..

Please note that there are 2 options available for key delivery. Some ISP's block mails with zip files that include *.key files. The first option sends you a link to download the key. The second option sends the key as an email attachment. If your ISP blocks some of your mail, you may be limited to only the "Download Link via Email" option below.

Attempts to access a key fraudulently will be logged and referred to the appropriate department.

Order Number
Current E-Mail Address on Order
Delivery Method
Download Link via Email (Most reliable method - link to key will be in email.)

Email Attachment (if you have no problems with attachments)

An e-mail will be sent immediately to the e-mail address on file with this order. Depending on Internet traffic, your e-mail could take a few seconds, to a few minutes or longer. If it takes more than one hour, then your spam filter may be catching the mail, or your ISP is likely blocking your mail. Try the Download Link via Email option above if you originally selected the attachment method.

Important! Passwords normally will be the last 4 digits of the credit card used for the purchase or a password you selected during your purchase. You can retrieve your passwords via the Password Retrieval Page.